Bed-bugs are usually found in unhygienic conditions inside bedrooms as their name implies. They have a flattened appearance before a blood feed and are about five millimeters long with the look of a rather wide flea, reddish brown in color.
They hide under the buttons and increases of old mattresses, behind wallpaper, skirting boards and cracks in the floor. They are wingless so they can’t fly or jump like the flea. They are active during the night and have been known to drop from ceilings onto beds. They can spread various ailments and can be a big risk to humans, therefore, it is so important to have a pest control for bedbugs immediately you find one in your bed or anywhere in the house.
They can survive without a blood feed for up to a year. Bites can cause welts to appear on the skin with three rows of puncture marks being characteristic. Itchiness and irritation affect some people more than others.
Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown, oval insects about 3/16-inch long or the size of an apple seed. Swollen and reddish after a blood meal. They feed on human blood and other warm-blooded hosts. They are oval in shape and grow up to 4-5mm long when fully grown. Their skin color is rust brown to a deeper red brown. Bed bugs are also known as “mahogany flats”, “red coats” and “chinches.” The adult bed bug does not have any wings and has a flattened body. They can hide in your luggage, personal belongings, or even on you, and hitchhike a ride back to your home, condo, townhouse or apartment. Once indoors, they can be extremely difficult to eradicate without the help of an experienced pest control professional.